A Communist will tell you that it’s just made up and that all the evidence is “fake” (just like Holocaust deniers and flat earthers do); or that “they deserved it”; or that “Capitalism killed more people” (as if that would then make genocide “OK”).

Photo courtesy of Victims of Communism.

When you think of a political movement responsible for killing the most people in history, which one comes to mind? The answer is Communism and it’s not even close.

The dangers of Fascism are well-known, unfortunately the same can’t be said for Communism, as it sadly still has a large following in our country.

Isn’t committing genocide wrong? Isn’t it also wrong to attempt to justify it? Isn’t it immoral to support a movement that constantly leads to genocide?

Victims of Communist genocides.

Photo courtesy of google images.

You can learn more about the staggering amount of Communist genocides here and here.

Sadly, there’s still people who make excuses for genocide, deny the ones that happened and think that Communism is a “great idea” that just needs to be done “correctly”. Communism is a political system that developed out of Marxism (which is a system of ideas from Karl Marx).

What makes Communism so appealing? It’s the equivalent of an ad promising you something amazing for barely any effort.

Communist “hero” Che Guevara’s quotes. Maybe wearing shirts with his image isn’t a good idea.

Image courtesy of google images.

Communism promises you complete equality, where everyone makes the same amount of money, no one has any advantages over anyone else, everyone is happy and everyone puts other peoples’ needs ahead of their own.

Some problems though…

Isn’t it unfair to pay the same amount of money for different types of work? For example, should a brain surgeon and a cashier have the same salary?

Paying people equally for different work, leads to no real incentive for the talented to use their talents, as they will still be paid the same.

You can argue that helping society should be worth it… So would you be willing to give up almost all of your free time, spend years solving complex problems and barely sleeping, for… the same amount of money that you’d get for washing dishes?

In the meantime, someone else will be sleeping better than you, constantly having fun and barely doing any work (despite their job being easier than yours), while being paid exactly the same as you!

Would you be OK with this? How many people would be? There’s your answer on how realistic Communist promises actually are.

How is it fair to expect people to do things for free? The last time that we had no money, we were living in pre-historic times. Capitalism is simply “supply and demand”.

In other words, you are paid based on the demand of what you do. Capitalism isn’t unique to any race, as it’s been used by every race and ethnicity throughout history, appearing in every human civilization.

Communists like to blame slavery and wars on Capitalism, but that’s just ignorance. Wars were fought for various reasons: a desire for independence from oppressive rulers; a pursuit of more living space and resources; a desire to conquer others….Communists themselves launched wars, so it’s bizarre to equate wars with Capitalism.

Slavery has sadly been present since the early human civilizations and blaming it strictly on Capitalism is more ignorance. You can learn more about it here.

It’s sad that Communists have to lump wars and slavery together and then blame them on Capitalism, to get enough deaths to “beat” their own genocide numbers to “justify” Communism. “You killed 50 million, we killed 40 million so we’re better”. That’s their logic.

From Vladimir Lenin, Leo Trotsky and Josef Stalin in Russia; Bela Kun in Hungary; Rosa Luxembourg in Germany; Fidel Castro and Che Guevara in Cuba; and Mao Zedong in China; Communists killed at least 100 million people. That makes Communism the deadliest political movement in history.

Mass starvations, executions, people buried alive, concentration camps, tortures…. nothing was too far for Communists. Even Adolf Hitler learned about concentration camps from the Communists. That’s right, Communists were the first to commit mass murder using concentration camps.

As if that wasn’t bad enough, Communism led to the dangerous belief that it was a “Jewish movement”. A belief that was used to justify Anti-Semitism, that was shared by of all people Winston Churchill.

It’s important to point out that Communism is of course not a “Jewish movement” and that the Holocaust was not done by Communists. That said, genocide in the modern era has been originated and mostly done by Communists.

Life in Communist countries isn’t the life of leisure that we enjoy here. No freedom, fear of persecution, lack of food…. it’s not a paradise, it’s a nightmare. There’s a reason so many people who came from Communist countries hate Communism, while ignorant people who never lived in one think it’s great.

Albert Einstein said that “the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result”. Communism has been tried many times and each time led to a loss of freedom, oppression and genocide. It’s simply insane to support it.

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